Keywords = Physiological traits
Morpho-physiological response of two olive cultivars to melatonin foliar application and drought stress in potted condition.

Volume 9, Issue 1, November 2024


rahmatollah ghoami; S.M Zahedi; N Fahadi Hoveizeh,; m gerdakaneh; h gholami

Assessment of apple fruit and growth quality affected by calcium sources, and sampling and storage times

Volume 8, Issue 2, March 2024


Younes Pourbeyrami hir; Ali Akbar Shokouhian; Changiz Doustdar Zingir; Mohammad Hasanzadeh

Study of some morpho-physiological characteristics of selected almond genotypes under drought stress conditions

Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2023, Pages 134-144


Shabnam Gohari; Ali Imani; Alireza Talaei; Vahid Abdosi; Mohammadreza Asghari

Effect of fertilizing with potassium sulphtae and iron chelate on nutrient uptake and vegetative traits of Red Delicious apple

Volume 4, Issue 2, August 2019, Pages 143-154

Keyvan Jahanshahi Anboohi; Hanifeh Seyed Hajizadeh; Arash Hemmati; Peyman Abbasi; Sara Rezaie