Assessment, identification and ranking of the apple hybrids for the precocious, early and mid-ripening, and crop yield

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc. Graduate, Department of Horticultural Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Research Associate, Research Institute of Temperate and Cold Fruits Research Institute, Horticultural Research Institute, Agricultural Education and Extension Research Organization, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In order to produce mid and early-ripening apple varieties, 44 cross combinations were done between selected parents (years 2004-2005) among which 7000 full-sib and half-sib progenies were selected. The selection process at juvenile phase by use of morphological markers method resulted in 720 superior hybrids. Hybrid orchard was established in Meshkin-abad (located in Karaj, Iran) horticulture research station (year 2008). Finally, 566 trees were remained and left to grow.
The present study was conducted to evaluate the flowering phenology, ripening time, precocity, flower density and fruiting habit of 566 first offspring of 6-7 year-old during 1392 and 1393. The percentage of fruit set was assessed in two stages by counting the number of fruiting branches and the number of fruits per tree. At the end of the growing season, 17 early and med ripening genotypes were identified. Fruit evaluation experiments including biochemical traits and pomological traits were performed according to D.U.S tests. For 17 selected hybrids, simple cluster analysis was performed in terms of all quantitative and qualitative traits and the degree of correlation of the traits was determined. Based on the results of cluster analysis by Ward method, all selected results were divided into 3 groups. A significant positive correlation was observed between fruit weight and fruit length and diameter and a significant negative correlation was observed between fruit weight and TSS and TA at the p≤1% level.
