Author = Mohammadreza Asghari
Effect of Nano-Ag+ Silica Composite Packaging on Quality and Enzyme Activity of Fresh-cut Fruit Nectarine cv. “Red Gold”

Volume 6, Issue 1, September 2021, Pages 1-9


saveh vaeziheris; Mohammad Reza Asgari; Alireza Farokzad; Zahra Yosefi

Effect of nano chitosan based edible coating containing salicylic acid on shelf life and some quality attributes of fresh cut ‘Red Gold’ nectarine

Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2019, Pages 95-105

Somayeh pirmohammadi talatappeh; Mohammadreza Asghari; Mohammad fattahi

Effects of postharvest treatment with chitosan and salicylic acid on fungal decay caused by Botrytis cinerea and quality of rishbaba table grape (Vitis vinifera L.)

Volume 2, Issue 1, September 2017, Pages 15-30

ramin Hajitaghilo; rasol Jalili Marandi; Mohammadreza Asghari; Syavash Hemmati